Thursday, June 25, 2009



Hot enough out there for you guys???? I'm now 25 weeks pregnant and I'll admit the heat is getting to me. Or atleast it's getting to my cankles. :)

Chloe will start swimming lessons next week, which she is very excited about. We have been going to the swimming pool 3 or 4 times a week -- admittedly as much for Chloe's enjoyment as for the benefit of my lower back.

Today was a big day for Chloe! She had her three year well visit at the doctor. She weighs 33 lbs. and she is a little over 38 inches tall. Sweet baby is growing up so darn fast! She also had her first dentist visit (well-TECHNICALLY we went when she was one year old and chipped half of her front tooth off, but I digress). She really liked the dentist, especially the "special" cherry toothpaste and the fluoride treatment that tasted like "birthday cake icing."

The latest "Annie" installment:

1 comment:

  1. Your cankles... that's funny... I don't care who you are.

    Good song too.
