Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who knew???


It's another girl!!!! Who knew? This pregnancy has been so completely different than my last pregnancy that I truly thought it was a boy! Well, that and the fact that the pesky Intelligender test said it was a boy. But I was wrong, yet again. It's a girl! Chris and I are so excited for Chloe to have a little sister. I always wanted a sister, so I'm thrilled for Chloe!

Speaking of that little punkin' . . . we told her it was a girl. We were all excited to tell her. Folks, it was a non-event. She said, "Oh." And smiled. That was the extent of her much-anticipated response. Oh well. But I did ask her what she thought the baby's name was. Immediately, she replied, "Maya Ho." Apparently, she feels the name just rolls off the tongue. Somehow, I don't LOVE the name.

We haven't hammered out a name yet, but we will keep you all posted! We would post a picture of the sonogram, but not one turned out well. She wouldn't quit moving the entire time. The technician said this baby would be my "fiesty one." Really??? I thought Chloe Jane was my fiesty one? I thought the second baby was supposed to be the "easy one." Great, now we are terrified. Wish us luck!

Love, Amanda, Chris and the girls


  1. I like Maya Ho. Maya Ho Reed - it sounds nice. :) Congrats, my love!

  2. So happy for you guys! Chloe Jane is going to love having a little sister. Lots of love!

  3. I'm one happy Mimi. I love to play dress up with the girls!
