Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Child Genius


I mean, I'm not trying to rub it in or anything. I'm just saying my child is a genius. She is just shy of her 3rd birthday and she can already write her name. Deal with it.

Come on, people. That OBVIOUSLY says Chloe (upside down because she wouldn't move in order to let us take the picture from the correct view). Quit hatin'.


  1. Ok I'm not hatin...I swear! But to me that looks like "allh" am I mistaken??? Just curious? I will agree with you though, "Allh" is a genius! Love ya, Mean it!

  2. May I ask why you've been holding out on my and would not share the fact that you started a blog? Am I not cool enough to follow you? Actually, I am not... I cannot figure out how to be your follower. BUT, I know where to find you now. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bun in the oven. How could that not be gotten and appreciated?!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
