Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Scarlett Ruth


It has been a long time since my last post and we've been very busy. On September 30, 2009 at 5:43, we welcomed Scarlett Ruth to our family. She weighed 8 lbs exactly and was 21 inches long. We all think that she looks a lot like Chloe Jane did when she was born!

So far, Big Sister Chloe is doing well. She hasn't asked us to take her back to the hospital yet, which we think is a good sign! She loves her little sister!

We are settling into life with two kids and adjusting to find our new normal. I have another three weeks off of work for maternity leave. I am enjoying bonding with Scarlett very much.

It is amazing to watch our two girls together!

Scarlett sleeps very well for a newborn -- anywhere from 3 to 5 hours at a time. So far, it doesn't seem like she has the acid reflux issues that Chloe Jane struggled with for the first few months. We are hoping that doesn't change!

We promise to update often with lots of new pics of our girls!!!

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