Sorry about the lack of blogging lately, but I have been very tired again in the last trimester. I know, I know, bad Mommy. Let's see, what have we been up to lately? Mostly just trying to keep busy. Chloe wanted to have her hair done like Hannah Montana. As usual, her wish is my command:
I guess these are her performance faces???
Some friends of ours brought over their little baby girl and Chloe was amazed by how tiny she was. My friend Kim also brought over her adorable baby boy Griffin, and Chloe was excited to watch him learning to walk! It definitely gave me some piece of mind to watch her interact with those two babies!
I swear she is only hugging him:
Look at her tiny feet!
I have no idea what she was doing here?
Chris, Chloe and I are MORE than ready for Scarlett to make her debut. Okay, so maybe it's just me. I'm getting more and more uncomfortable/miserable. Next Wednesday I will be induced if I don't go into labor before then. We will keep you posted!
I guess I am that huge? I certainly feel it!